Level 23
Led by Admiral Ackbar, Captain Wedge Antilles and the New Republic Starfleet has engaged with Imperial Star Destroyers at Jakku. Though vastly outnumbered, the Empire now has nothing to lose and still poses a fatal threat to the oncoming attack from the New Republic fleet....
Details/Objectives: Achieve victory with the Rebels, Level Master. Millennium Falcon LOCKED.
Level 24
The dreaded Imperial Starfleet has been dismantled. Wreckage is shattering across the skies and crashing onto the surface of Jakku. New Republic soldiers draw out the remaining Imperial ground troops from their base. A Republic victory today ends the GALACTIC CIVIL WAR once and for all....
Details/Objectives: Achieve victory with the Rebels; Level Master. Vehicle tokens PLAYABLE. Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, and Han Solo are PLAYABLE.
DLC: Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Nien Nunb are PLAYABLE.
Chancellor Mon Mothma has received the formal surrender of the Empire. The GALACTIC CIVIL WAR has ended. Efforts begin with rebuilding a galaxy that has seen years of death and destruction. As the New Republic restores peace and freedom to the galaxy, Luke Skywalker teaches his nephew, Ben Solo, the ways of the Force.
Evil has not been driven from the galaxy completely, however. Many years pass and Luke begins to sense something; a presence he's not felt since--
Children of the old war heroes are kidnapped, ripped from their family and forced into military training. A regime, THE FIRST ORDER, led by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke seeks to destroy all that was once gained.
However, hope is not all lost. There are those who have not yet awoken in the Force, both from within and outside of the evil FIRST ORDER....
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