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Han Solo

Last Updated: 04/21/2020.... 


Welcome to THE UNOFFICIAL STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT CAMPAIGN COMPANION - simply put, I'm a fan that was inspired by John Boyega and other fans of the game wishing for a campaign story in EA STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT. Using all the great battles, missions, and visuals originally included in the game, I've assembled a STAR WARS Campaign-style Story to follow along with. The story presented here is tailor-made to lead up to the all new single player campaign, with Iden Versio, in EA STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT II! A prequel-story, if you will.


Within the following five chapters of this UNOFFICIAL STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT STORY, you will embark on both paths of light and darkness throughout 24 total levels of gameplay that have been organized into an offline single-player-style (w/ options for split-screen co-op) campaign mode. Each chapter begins with a traditional Star Wars opening crawl to set the stage and help immerse you in the upcoming battles (all original text, with the exception of Chapter II, which was taken word-for-word from The Empire Strikes Back opening crawl). Your journey unfolds as a member of RED SQUADRON during the events leading up to the Battle of Yavin, and will take a turn toward the Dark Side fighting as both Imperial Storm Troopers and heinous villains. The final chapters conclude immediately prior to and approximately 1 year after the destruction of the second DEATH STAR.


It's time to grab some friends, navigate to CHAPTER I, and begin following along to play through each level on your system of choice! Good luck, and may the Force be with you!




This story was sewn together exclusively using the original and free DLC content included within EA STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT - meaning no pay-for season pass DLC is required for you to enjoy the story or complete the campaign! Per feedback from the EA STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT forums, I've recently added a DLC-Character expansion to some of the levels where appropriate to the story (e.g., Greedo is already dead by Levels 2 and 3, and therefore not PLAYABLE throughout #SorryNotSorryGreedo. Bossk and Dengar on the other hand....). The site is mobile friendly, but lacks many of the visuals experienced on the full site.


This project is a blossom of George Lucas' imagination and the incredible effort of several talented artists, engineers, and software developers at Disney, Lucasfilm Ltd., EA, DICE, ArtStation etc., (please do contact me if I have unintentionally excluded you from the credits list below so that I can appropriately link to your work). Remember to leave any constructive feedback and/or comments by following me on twitter @Han_Spinel after you give the CAMPAIGN COMPANION a try!


May the Force be with you, always....

TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved

© 2017 Electronic Arts Inc. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefron II
Lucasfilm Ltd.
EA Star Wars
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